Voyageprivé.com launching


Voyage Privé is a free membership online travel club that provides its members with a weekly selection of high-end, high-quality products at a great discounted price all year long. Their strategy is not to get as much traffic as they can through search engines. Their goal is to have members who will buy several times with them and recommend them to friends who will buy as well. The concept of private sales started to be very popular in France, but nobody was operating that model in the travel industry. In Spain, the concept was completely new.


  • Awareness of Voyage Privé and its innovating online private sale concept.
  • Consolidation of the company positioning and its presence in Spain.
  • Increase the membership amount and, certainly, increase sales.


  • Launch of Voyage Privé at a press conference/cocktail in Madrid (29 attendants) and a press lunch in Barcelona (15 attendants) to introduce the company. Journalists belonged to the travel, general info, women’s, men’s and lifestyle media.
  • Introduce the VP service by sending an invitation to the journalists to sign in at the webpage and receive newsletters with special offerings.
  • Manage interviews in different industries: Dirigentes (business), El Economista (economy),PC actual (PC users), and Nexotur (travel).
  • Write and send 3 press releases: one for trade press, explaining the service, partnerships, figures, etc. A second release for consumer, explaining what is VP and the membership benefits. And a third « commercial » release proposing VP as a good choice for summer holidays within the economy crisis, thanks to the big discounts offered.
  • Proposal to some selected media about the chance to sponsor their readers to become VP members.


  • 88 articles were published during 4 months of partnership for the market launch of the concept. Articles were published in different platforms: economy, trade, travel, lifestyle, etc. The estimated advertising value was around €415,000.